A voice muted

provides no comfort…


A song, buried,


An empty locket–

heirloom for the generations…


A song of in/gathering.

One note.

One story.

One liberating sequence at a time…

The above is an excerpt from a longer poem Aura Chaya Gispan wrote and shared on January 7, 2022. Little did she know, the Divine would offer up an opportunity to align these words within three-dimensional (sacred) space and time, an heirloom for creative generation.

The sacred silence of the former Temple Beth El sanctuary is an empty vessel, an invitation to engage a universal audience to (re)imagine who they want to become.

Temple Beth El Today

Temple Beth El was purchased in September 2022 and the journey begins.

The Team

  • Aura Chaya Gispan

  • Demian Dellinger

  • Michael Sims, Jr.